Episode 18: Survival Karaoke with Christopher Stibbs and Munchie Herman

Got stress? Feeling alone? We got you.  Tune in and get ready to sing with survivors, Joly Herman, Christopher Stibbs, and Munchie Herman in this bonus episode.

I don’t know how often you get out to sing karaoke anymore, but if you’re game, we’re game. I have Christopher Stibbs, a professional who works in a domestic violence shelter (and my guest from episode 17), and Munchie Herman, our in-house therapy dog and amazing vocalist, singing with me on this track.

If you do anything today, find a quiet spot and put in your earbuds – maybe not too loud – and sing along with us, karaoke style.  It feels good!

[0:54] Karaoke: I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor, 1978)

We’re rooting you on all the way, Solo Nation, everything you might be going through. You are a victor, not a victim. And remember– we might be solo, but we are not alone.

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About author

Joly Herman

Editor-In Chief, Founder, and CEO of Solo Parent Magazine, Joly Herman is a writer and educator, who has been writing professionally for print and web publications since 1998. She was among the first television review editors at Common Sense Media, where she also served as a movie, DVD and book reviewer from 2004 to 2014. Having earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan, Joly was a recipient of the Rackham Fellowship and taught undergraduate Creative Writing. She is a Montessori Primary Teacher who has headed classrooms in San Francisco, Kansas City, Berlin and Düsseldorf, Germany. An advocate for healthy children and healthy families, Joly founded Solo Parent, LLC in 2014 to promote the vision that all families be viewed as normal, that all families be seen as whole.

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