In Defense of Dads
I spend my life advocating for and working with Single Moms, but I have a few choice words to say ... -
Your Kids Deserve the Best Custody Schedule
Wanna talk high-stakes in divorce? Let’s talk about custody schedules. Child custody is arguably the most loaded of all issues ... -
When the Sh*t Hits the Fan: Teen’s Legal Trouble Puts Co-Parenting to the Test
My ex and I separated when our son was almost 8. I can’t say it was amicable, but we did ... -
Letting Freedom Ring on Independence Day
Out of Wedlock. Divorced. Widowed. Alone…With Kids. I’m new to this. I can’t quite find the words when talking with ... -
Father’s Day vs. Mother’s Day – Being Bigger than our Conflicts
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in divorce can be fraught with emotion, and in many cases, deep conflict. As a ... -
6 Summer Activities That Won’t Burn Through Your Cash or Fry Your Mind
School’s out and that means one thing: as a solo parent, you’re in charge of summer entertainment. And it better ... -
Co-Parenting Across State Lines
Co-parenting can be difficult enough when both parents live in the same neighborhood, but co-parenting with someone who lives in ... -
It’s Worth It: Keeping Kids Connected with an Unpredictable Parent
I have my kids in my physical custody over 95% of the time, and I make every effort to ensure ... -
A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place
I am the mother of seven-year-old triplets and a very high-energy ten-year-old daughter. Everyone I meet always wants to know, ... -
Mature Audiences
About a week ago, we watched a movie. It was a Wednesday night, my regular night with my daughter, and ...